Chinese iPhone user downloads 25 billionth Apple app

12 Mar, 2012

A Chinese iPhone user has downloaded the 25 billionth app from Apple's App Store and is the lucky winner of a 10,000 dollar iTunes gift card, Apple announced on March 5. Chunli Fu of Qingdao, China downloaded the free app Where's My Water? to win the prize, four years after Apple launched the App Store following the 2007 release of the iPhone.
The App Store offers more than 550,000 apps for the iPhone, iPad and iTouch to users in 123 countries, and its phenomenal success has taken even Apple by surprise. "When we launched the App Store less than four years ago, we never imagined that mobile apps would become the phenomenon they have, or that developers would create such an incredible selection of apps for iOS users," Apple executive Eddy Cue said in a statement.

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