Thai envoy visits Peshawar museum

15 Mar, 2012

The Ambassador of the Royal Thai Embassy in Islamabad, Marwin T. Attanawin, accompanied by the Consul of the Embassy Ms Chotika Suwanwattana visited Peshawar Museum here on Wednesday. They were received by the Curator of the Museum Nidaullah Sehrai who briefed them about the Buddhist civilisation of Gandhara and the Peshawar Museum which has the most extensive collection of Gandhara art in Pakistan.
Nidaullah Sehrai while guiding Thai delegation to the Main Hall in which 74 stories of the life of the Buddha are displayed in the showcases. They were shown around the Bodhisattva and the Buddha galleries also of the museum. They evinced keen interest in the calligraphic specimens, miniature paintings and manuscripts in the Islamic gallery and the wooden effigies from the Kalash valley of Chitral district. He admired the embroidery of the Swat valley in the Ethnological gallery. The Ambassador remarked in the visitors' book: "A great museum, I definitely will come back again."

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