Pakistan to witness revolution if polls delayed: Jamaat-i-Islami

16 Mar, 2012

Ameer Jamaat-i-Islami, Syed Munawar Hasan said on Thursday that if the rulers extended the date for general elections, Pakistan would witness a revolution. While addressing the participants of the central JI workshop at Mansoora on Thursday, he said the rulers appeared to be planning to delay the elections for a year as was evident from the statements of some ministers.
But he warned that if the elections were delayed, the country would witness a revolution. The JI Ameer said that the government took power after the 2008 elections had badly failed to delver. This government had made the country slave of the US, IMF and World Bank and ruined its economy because of its ill planning, corruption, price hike and lawlessness. He expressed the hope that the masses would learn from their past experience and vote for the honest, sincere and competent candidates of the JI in the next elections.
The JI, he said, had always said that the war on terror was not Pakistan's war but US. The silence of the rulers on drone attacks, he said, indicated that the attacks were being made with their consent. The JI Ameer deplored that the rulers in all the Muslim states were siding with the US.
He said that 55 percent of the world armed forces belonging to forty countries had been fighting in Afghanistan for the last eleven years and were facing a clear defeat. Surely, Afghanistan would prove the graveyard of the armed forces, wisdom, planning, decisions and foresight of these countries, he remarked. The unarmed Afghans imbued with the love for martyrdom and the spirit of Jehad had driven the enemy to a humiliating defeat, he added.

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