Fourth Ladiesfund Women Awards ceremony held

16 Mar, 2012

The 4th LADIESFUND Women Award ceremony was held here on Thursday at Mohatta Palace Museum, which was attended by a large number of women. Dr Marilyn Wyatt, wife of Cameron Munter US Ambassador to Pakistan, while addressing the ceremony as a chief guest said: "I am honoured to be here standing shoulder to shoulder with some of Pakistan's most dynamic women, who are creating jobs that support families and futures.
Some people look at Pakistan and see only challenges, troubles, and difficulties, but I look at the women we honour tonight, and the men who support them, and see only possibilities, hope, and triumph." She said that women and children were victimised in the world but they were actually the future of the world and the fact must be realised.
Renowned writer, Fatima Suraiya Bajia, who won LADJESFUND Lifetime Achieve-ment Award, said on the occasion that she loved everyone without seeing what his or her religion was. "All people should love each other and contribute towards betterment of the society," she underlined. Member National Assembly Khushbakht Shujaat said that she was proud of fighting for women rights in the Parliament.
She said that the incumbent Parliament had passed five women bills during the last four years despite hurdles, which was a record. Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy, the Oscar winner director, commended LADIESFUND for bringing together such extraordinary woman. She said that when she had started writing against evils of the society her father and mother had supported her and encouraged her to write and shake the society. Ghalib Nishtar, President Khushhali Bank, said, "Khushhali Bank is privileged to sponsor the LADIESFUND Khushali Bank Idol Award as a tribute to the women. It is an acknowledgement of their courage and commitment in pursuit of excellence and endeavour to create a positive image of Pakistan."
He said that this year's award had been dedicated to Arfa Karim, who unfortunately left us earlier this year. "Arfa Karim is and will continue to be an inspiration for the coming generation of Pakistan," he added. Arfa Karim won (posthumously) the LADIESFUND Khushhali Bank Idol Award and her parents, who had flown in from Lahore, received the award.

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