Partly Facetious: Was Babar Awan out of favour?

16 Mar, 2012

"Is Babar Awan in or out?"
"First of all, he is Doctor Babar Awan and..."
"Right, but the hangers on are no longer around him?"
"Kaira was always around him as was Raja Riaz, and then there was Raja Parvez Ashraf and..."
"These hangers on follow the dictates of the party leader and once they were no longer required to swarm around Dr Awan and listen to his poetry they disappeared."
"I see, but my question is if he was out of favour then why was the Senate seat given to him? I mean he had done whatever angered the party well before the Senate elections?"
"What do you mean?"
"The good Doctor had refused to go to court in defence of the Prime Minister and also refused to sign the affidavit..."
"Yes, but this all predated the Senate elections? Oh, I know the answer to my own question: it took that long for the Prime Minister to convince the President that Dr Babar Awan is not being supportive."
"I really don't think so."
"Then what could be the reason?"
"Well, I think that the Doctor is privy to some secrets and there is a real fear that he may switch sides, and let's be honest, there is past precedence with respect to switching sides and so he was given the senate seat and the power that be can continue to control him."
"Interesting theory!"
"See if you dismiss someone completely then that person can turn against you and let's call a spade a spade the man on the hill understands this basic human weakness very well."
"I wonder, if you can refer to it as a weakness."
"It's a weakness from the perspective of the party leader but strength from the perspective of a party member."
"Ah yes, that I agree with."

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