Partly Facetious: The difference between Prime Minister and peon

17 Mar, 2012

"What's the difference between a Prime Minister and a peon?"
"Well, plenty if you write prime minister with a capital P and M."
"What ever are you talking about?" "When you talk of a specific prime minister say Yousuf Raza Gilani, then you write with a capital P and a capital M."
"But if you refer to a specific peon then don't you also write P as in peon with a capital P?" "You know English language rules, like Western democracy can't and must not be applied here in the land of the pure."
"I guess I am forced to agree with you, after all, in Urdu we don't have the concept of capital letters."
"Precisely, but anyway the difference between a prime minister and a peon is, as per the incumbent Pakistani Prime Minister, who reckons he is in capital letters whenever we think of him..."
"He didn't say that!"
"OK, but it was a stupid comment to make - for Pete's sake he should focus on equality between a prime minister and a peon in a court of law."
"And we had such high hopes for him when he was selected as the prime minister by his party leader!"
"Indeed, but you reckon his point is valid? That if he writes a letter to Swiss courts, it is tantamount to treason which is punishable by death (political like Farooq Leghari) while contempt has a jail sentence of six months?"
"No, because he has inaccurately referred to the right of parliament to interpret the constitution and that right belongs to the court not to the government and not to parliament."
"I see, but you reckon he will get the votes?"
"I am not sure what the people of Multan think of his four-year rule, but I reckon in spite of development work there inflation in Multan is as high as anywhere else, loadshedding is as acute, gas shedding is..."
"Ah, but these are not deal breakers for our politicians."
"You are right unless we the voters change the way we vote nothing will change."

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