Altaf advises people not to cast vote to feudal waderas: 28th Youm-e-Tasees celebrated

19 Mar, 2012

The Muttahida Qaumi Movement's (MQM) chief, Altaf Hussain has said that the people of Sindh make sure that they will not cast the vote to feudals "waderas" in upcoming election and the MQM is a party of the poor.
Altaf Hussain addressed the workers at the Bagh-e-Mustafa ground here in Hyderabad on Sunday where the MQM's 28th Youm-e-Tasees was celebrated.
MQM Chief said that politics of Pakistan has become quite limited to a few families-I am on self-exiled since 20 years and my sin is that I talked about the poor people and MQM get poor parliamentarians in Parliament. He said that MQM wants to get-rid off feudalism system and MQM is the only party, which came in front against extortion in Karachi with traders' community. Hussain congregated President Asif Ali Zardari on his fifth address to Parliament and appealed to President that to get-rid of extortion mafia's and criminals for the protection of Karachi citizens.
Altaf Hussain said that MQM is celebrating their Youm-e-Tasees in all over the country and I pay the tribute to "Shaheed" workers who were assassinated in this movement, he also pays tribute to people for their support to MQM. Altaf claimed that today's public meeting is country's biggest public meeting. MQM Chief said that if we want to see strong Pakistan then Sindh province has to be strong province and all the provinces must be given their rights and the issue of Balochistan must be solved, he added.
MQM Chief said that I am the only politician who had not taken money from ISI and Younis Habib. MQM chief said that I like Hyderabad very much and 28th Youm-e-Tasees is celebrated in Hyderabad on my wish. He further said that a resolution should be passed from Sindh Assembly for the establishment of Hyderabad University and the establish of IT College in Hyderabad. On that occasion Altaf Hussain announced Rs 15 lac grant for Hyderabad Press Club on the celebration of 28th Youm-e-Tasees, 4 Ambulances and 2 vehicles to Khidmat-e-Khalq Foundation Hyderabad. He appealed to Governor of Sindh to restore the educational activities in Sindh University Jamshoro.
On that occasion the deputy convenor Dr Farooq Sattar warns nationalists of Sindh that if they try to make any conspiracy against Sindhi people then we will receive the bodies in cities and rural areas like Balochistan. He said that we will get rid off waderas and jaggirdars. On that occasion MPA Heer Soho, Ashfaq Mangi, Umer Qureshi, Zonal Incharge Muhammad Sharif and others addressed the public meeting.

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