Restoration of peace in Karachi: MQM-H, ANP leaders say ready to visit Altaf in London

19 Mar, 2012

Leaders of Mohajir Qaumi Movement (MQM-Haqiqi) and Awami National Party (ANP), who decided to form a 'grand alliance' for restoration of peace in Karachi, said that they were ready to visit Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) chief Altaf Hussain in London for the purpose. MQM-H chief Afaq Ahmed met ANP's leadership including Senator Shahi Sayed and Zahid Khan here at Khyber Pakhtunkhwa House.
Later, addressing a joint news conference, the ANP and MQM-H leaders underlined the need for de-weaponisation of Karachi in order to restore peace in the city.
Afaq Ahmed said that he leaders of the alliance, formed by ANP and other partiers for the restoration of peace in Karachi, were ready to meet MQM chief Altaf Hussain in London for establishing lasting peace in the metropolis. Afaq said that he had contacted many parties including PPP and ANP to cleanse Karachi from weapons.
He said whenever MQM-H called for de-weaponization of Karachi in the past, the MQM chief demanded de-weaponization of the entire country. "We are also in favour of cleansing the entire country of arms," he added.
Earlier, he alleged MQM for being behind the unrest in Karachi, saying that the party had established its 'monarchy' in the metropolis while other parties were not being allowed to work freely.
To a question, he said the names of large number of citizens had been deleted form the new electoral rolls, adding that he would approach Election Commission of Pakistan and the judiciary if their reservations were not addressed.
Speaking on the occasion, ANP leader Zahid Khan rejected the notion that Karachi was facing an ethnic conflict, saying that different mafias were active in the city and behind the deteriorating law and order situation.
He also backed the MQM-H demand to cleanse Karachi of weapons. "ANP is not only in favour of cleansing Karachi of the weapons but also want the whole country be purged of arms," he added.
Senator Shahi Syed while expressing reservations over the new electoral rolls in Karachi alleged that the new voter lists were prepared in the office of a 'party' in the city. He demanded that census in Karachi should be conducted under army's supervision. To a question he said the entire nation knows who were behind the extortion and killings in the city.

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