Federal Minister for Information and Broadcasting Fridous Ashiq Awan Thursday said that a conducive working atmosphere would be ensured for media and the cable operators.
Talking to a delegation of cable operators at Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority Headquarters, the information minister said the government considers the cable operators as media partners and the government was committed to provide a favourable working atmosphere to them. Secretary Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Taimoor Azmat Usman and Chairman Pemra Dr Abdul Jabbar attended the meeting.
She reiterated the government's resolve not to tolerate any step that may breach the freedom of media. "Media cannot achieve progress as industry until cable operators are given due protection," the information minister commented, assuring the delegation to address all of their grievances. The meeting also discussed the issues faced by the cable operators as well as the future strategy for their resolution. The delegation members applauded the resolve of Federal Minister Firdous Ashiq Awan and that of the government for provision of conducive atmosphere to media and the cable operators.