Comm-issioner Mirpurkhas, Ghulam Hussain Memon, has said that Aaj News has emerged a leading news channel due to its authentic, trusted and wide news coverage and breaking news. This he said while speaking at a cake-cutting ceremony to mark the 7th anniversary of Aaj News jointly organised by National Press Club, Mirpurkhas Union of Journalists and Sindh Shafi Sangat here on Friday.
SSP Mirpurkhas Riaz Ahmad Soomro, office-bearers and members of Mirpurkhas Press Club, National Press Club and other journalists participated in the ceremony. A 6-pound cake was cut and rich tributes were also paid to late M. A. Zuberi, the founder of Business Recorder and Aaj TV. Mesanwhile, office-bearers and workers of various political parties including PPP, MQM, JI, JUI, JSQM, Sindh Tarqi Pasand Party and others also congratulated Aaj News on eve of its 7th anniversary.