A week long capacity building training course for District and Sessions Judges started in Punjab Judicial Academy (PJA) on Monday. Director General PJA, Justice Tanveer Ahmad Khan (Rtd), Provincial Secretary Law, Dr Abual Hassan Najmi, DG Human Rights and Vigilance Cell of LHC, Kazim Ali Malik and Dr Danishwar Malik will deliver lectures at the inaugural session while Judges of Lahore High Court besides other experts on law and constitution will discuss legal technicalities with the participants.
The Chief Justice Lahore High Court has declared 2012 as the year of capacity building by means of sustained and rigorous training for judges at the judicial hierarchy of the Province. It is the third course of present sequel for D&SJs and 2 more such courses will also commence in end of April and beginning of May. 300 Civil Judges have already completed their training at Lahore, Rawalpindi, Bahawalpur and Multan.