Tribal peace society demands repeal of FCR

28 Mar, 2012

Members of Tribal Peace and Civil Society Organisation, Khyber Agency demanded for repealing of draconian Frontier Crime Regulation (FCR)law in Federally Administered Tribal Areas, demanded of the government to immediate implement of recently Fata reforms.
Speaking at a news conference, Convenor Qabali Aman Tahroun, a tribal civil society network, Shahzad Afridi said that the basic human rights are violating due to enforcement of colonial law in tribal areas. He said that tribal people are voiceless and helpless because of prevailing situation.
Therefore, he said they had establishment civil society organisation with assistance of German Embassy and British High Commission, aimed to create awareness about the black law FCR, and establishment of peace, democracy and security in Fata. Accompanied by Joint Convenor, Fawadullah Shinwari, he said that the organisation had played an importance role in establishment of peace in Bara Tehsil, Jamrud and Landi Kotal. He said all basic human rights are being violated in enforcement black law in tribal areas.
He said on hand, government had announced Fata reforms, while also enforced civil power regulation, which was the same like of FCR. The government should stop harassment of tribal people under the FCR and Civil Power regulation law, he demanded. He demanded of the government to repeal the draconian law FCR, and immediate implement recently amended reforms in Fata. He called for extending of jurisdiction of court to Fata and to bring more reforms for mainstreaming tribal society.

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