Daanish schools aimed at spreading knowledge: minister

29 Mar, 2012

Minister for Education Punjab, Mian Mujtaba Shuja-ur-Rehman has said that government is implementing a comprehensive programme for providing modern educational facilities to the children and Daanish School project is a revolutionary step of Punjab government, which will not only minimise the divide between the rich and the poor but the children of the poor parents will also be able to acquire modern education and play their due role in national development and prosperity.
He said that government is working hard to achieve 88 per cent literacy rate till 2015 so that to fulfill the international commitment under millennium development goals. He expressed these views at a seminar on quality non-formal education in Punjab and our responsibilities organized by Literacy Department, JICA and a local media group. He said that 262,500 students under the age of 4 to 15 years are getting education under non-formal basic education schools.
Provincial Minister said that government is fully aware of its responsibility in developing educational sector by providing the basic education and this is the reason that government has started primary enrollment campaign to achieve 100 percent literacy rate in the province
minister said that the network of Daanish Schools would be spread to the whole province as this programme of the Chief Minister Punjab will not only help in this direction but will also open up new avenues of progress & development whereas poorest of the poor students will also avail modern education facilities through the project of Daanish School.
The minister said that Daanish schools would spread knowledge in every nook and corner of the country and would remove poverty and ignorance from backward areas and a new era of progress and development will usher in. He said that private educational institutions are performing a valuable service in the field of education and government is providing all out co-operation and assistance to the private sector in this regard as Punjab Education Foundation (PEF) is providing grant and scholarships to the private educational institutions and students.
He said that government is implementing a comprehensive programme for providing modern educational facilities to the children. He said that government schools have been given the status of English medium schools last year while Punjab government has also lunched a vigorous campaign for primary enrolment and lakhs of children have been given admission in the schools so far as a result of this campaign whereas governments was giving emphasis on the teachers training and funds have been provided to the concerned department for this purpose.

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