Partly Facetious: Don't forget, Prime Minister is a pir not a peon

29 Mar, 2012

"So Obama is relaxed and our Prime Minister appears to be overwhelmed with pride at the photo opportunity."
"Well, I am not sure if having a picture taken with US President is going to win him any votes back home..."
"Hey, that's not for the votes...the picture is for his personal album."
"The picture did show that pir sahib and the US President did meet even if all our issues remained pending. Though Obama did say parliamentary review must respect his country's security needs defined by his administration which, to me implies, same old same old..."
"Don't be facetious - the PM is a pir and not a peon and..."
"OK, let's move on. Back home there were riots in Karachi, there were riots in the Punjab and there was a protest against renewed relations between the US and Pakistan."
"Yes, but Karachi riots is a provincial matter, the Punjab riots is a Punjab government matter and the protests in Islamabad is being effectively tackled by Rehman Malik who must have set up a committee by now..."
"Don't be facetious."
"But Malik is a committee expert...he sets them up and nothing ever comes out of any committee."
"You have heard the phrase a camel is a horse designed by a committee."
"That also brings to mind what Zulfiqar Mirza said about Malik: if he is eating a banana and someone asks what he is eating on the phone he will say an apple."
"Anyway the lead story in the western electronic media was not the Obama-Gilani meeting or picture but the protest in Islamabad against restoring US Pakistan relations."
"Doesn't matter - the parliament will decide on the future of the relations."
"Right, and this is where PML (N) said they wanted to discuss energy crisis and the MQM the brutal murder of their party member and his brother."
"Why don't you listen to me: these are provincial subjects!"

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