A Computerised Management System (CMS) module launching ceremony was held at DHA's main office complex on Wednesday. The Administrator DHA, Brigadier Aamer Raza Qureshi, was the chief guest on the occasion. The newly developed computerized system has been developed by a software developer M/S Axact in collaboration with DHA's IT team.
Brigadier Aamer speaking on the occasion said that this important event was another landmark of DHA's advancing into the digital age. He said that the first module of CMS system developed was a great technological stride in the field of computerisation.
Administrator DHA added that as a first step the system was been introduced in all Defence Authority Clubs initially, which would revolutionise their working efficiency and administrative systems to a great level. He emphasised the need of computerisation in all DHA institutions for the benefit of various departments in their day to day working, like optimum use of resources, an efficiently maintained attendance record, digital documentation, stock management of inventory, improved cash flow management and timely disbursement of payrolls. Secretary DHA Colonel Ajmal Rasheed (Retd) in his speech thanked the team involved in carrying out this remarkable project in form of a technologically sound module in a record period of 48 days.