Cuban Ambassa-dor, Jesus Zenen Buergo Concepcion, on Thursday paid a visit to Punjab University and called on Vice Chancellor Professor Dr Mujahid Kamran at his office. While discussing the international affairs, the Cuban Ambassador emphasised that the people of the world must make every effort to prevent US from starting a new global war.
He said that around 1,000 Pakistani doctors were getting education in Cuba and the first batch of 300 doctors would pass out in the next year. He said that Cuban government would soon sent sports coaches to Pakistan. Concepcion expressed his exhilaration on the environment of the varsity.
Meanwhile, an 8-member German media delegation of DPV-Mitgliedsnummer, Ohne Mitgliedsnummer and Bdfj Mitgliedsnummer visited Punjab University. Vice Chancellor Professor Dr Mujahid Kamran, Director external linkages Professor Dr Maria I Maldonado and others welcomed the delegation. The Vice Chancellor briefed the delegation about the academic progress of the varsity. The German press team presented a souvenir to the VC on behalf of German Press Association. Later, the delegation visited Institute of Communication Studies.