Textile industry: government backs out of five-day-a-week gas supply commitment

30 Mar, 2012

The government backed out from its commitment of restoring five-day a week gas supply to textile industry, as the SNGPL restored supply for four days a week. Interestingly, even the gas pressure very low, which failed to fulfill the purpose of keeping industry wheel running, as dreamed by hundreds of gas-dependent textile units by the start of current week.
The industry sources said gas supply is not up to the mark, causing problem in continuing with operations of the units. The SNGPL sources said restoration of gas supply to two industrial zones simultaneously was the cause of low pressure. Resultantly, the APTMA members were quite offended and calling upon their leadership to register protest.
It may be noted that the Federal Petroleum Minister Dr Asim Hussain had pledged to restore five-day a week gas supply from March 26, Monday, which could not be materialised due to dilly-dallying attitude of officials concerned. The Petroleum Minister was due to fly to APTMA Lahore for a formal announcement. However, he could not make it due to pre-engagement in Islamabad, leaving him with no option but to address the APTMA members vial telephone. The minister had made a clear-cut commitment of restoring five-days a week gas supply to textile industry from last Monday.
However, apprehension were there during his telephonic address that how the government would be able to meet its commitment in an energy scarcity situation. The Minister had admitted that there was strong pressure on demand side but had expressed the hope that new finds of gas would enable the government to meet the demand but all in vain, as the promises proved untrue at the very outset.
Industry sources said the APTMA leadership has rushed to Islamabad to apprise the Federal Minister of the situation, reminding him of his promises and get through five days a week gas supply for textile industry. The industry has already lost over a billion dollar exports due to energy shortage since last three months. Gas supply to textile industry was denied for 61 days from December 27 to till date.

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