Energy crisis: LCCI seeks US help

30 Mar, 2012

The Lahore Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) on Thursday urged the US government to help Pakistan to overcome the electricity crisis. The LCCI President Irfan Qaiser Sheikh was speaking at a reception arranged for US Economic Officers Robert Hawkins and Frank Talluto and the Vice President, M/s Convergence USA, a not-for-profit organisation, Aakif Ahmad.
The LCCI Senior Vice President Kashif Younis Meher, Vice President Saarc Chamber of Commerce and Industry Iftikhar Ali Malik, former senior vice president Abdul Basit and Executive Committee Member Yousuf Shah also spoke on the occasion. The LCCI President said that Pakistan needs extra-ordinary co-operation from the US as it was a frontline ally with the US while facing the brunt of war on terror even today when the rest of the world is on the path to progress and prosperity.
He said that if the US comes forward at this point in time when the country is passing through unprecedented challenging times, the trade, economic and cultural ties between the two countries would flourish further. The newly appointed Economic Officer Frank Talluto said that strengthening of business-to-business relations would remain the corner stone of his working in Pakistan.
The Vice President, M/s Convergence USA Aakif Ahmad, while speaking on the occasion, stressed the need for establishment of a mutually beneficial relationship between Pakistani entrepreneurs and their counterparts in America. He said that the private sector is the engine of growth and it must continue to make efforts for the progress and prosperity of this resource-rich country.

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