KESC takes exception to 'threat' from PSM

30 Mar, 2012

Karachi Electric Supply Company has taken strong exception to the reported threat from a director of Pakistan Steel Mills (PSM) to the effect that "they would attack and shut down KESC grid station plunging whole city into darkness." KESC asked the government to take pre-emptive and punitive action against the perpetrators of this threat.
KESC has said that the due date of PSM's unpaid bill of Rs 21 crore was February 20 and not March 14, as falsely claimed by PSM. KESC had neither entered into any negotiations with PSM nor had there been any "agreement" on the unpaid bill between the two sides. KESC had simply sent disconnection notice to PSM over non-payment and power supply was disconnected within legal parameters after the Mills failed to pay after more than five weeks of the due date.
KESC pointed out that the defiant attitude of a state-owned enormous organisation such as Pakistan Steel needed to be noted by higher authorities, which instead of paying power bills on time had resorted to telling lies and issue threats of illegal action. KESC said this statement was an instigating effort to create law and order situation and Pakistan Steel would be held responsible for any such untoward happening.
KESC on its part would take all possible move to protect its legal rights but such a serious threat coming from Pakistan Steel needed immediate and forceful action from civil authorities and law enforcement agencies for protection of KESC's grid station located in the vicinity of Pakistan Steel and vitally linked to the City's power supply system.-PR

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