Various officials of Sindh Health Department allegedly embezzled more than Rs 1489.02 million during 2006-07, 2007-08 and 2008-09. However, no action was taken against those involved in the embezzlement. This was disclosed during the meeting of Public Accounts Committee (PAC) held here at Committee Room-1 of Sindh Assembly on Friday. Sardar Jam Tamachi Unar presided over the meeting, which was also attended by Shama Arif Mithani, Shoaib Ibrahim and Bachal Shah Jilani.
Out of the 30 audit paras of the health department for the financial years of 2006-07, 2007-08 and 2008-09, the PAC settled only five paras. The remaining 25 paras wherein huge misappropriation were detected, were deferred as the officials could not come up with documents to justify the expenses incurred by different hospitals and institutions.
Jam Tamachi observed that health department performance was not satisfactory with counterfeit drugs and a shortage of doctors particularly in rural Sindh being the most pressing issues.
However, he was somehow satisfied with the performance of Civil Hospital Karachi as compared to other hospitals of the province. He said Rs 126.090 millions were spent on purchase of stationary and other equipment for Liaquat University Hospital and People's Medical College, however details of the expenditures were not noted down in the stock register.
Tamachi and Shama Mithani were shocked when they came to know that medicines worth Rs 117.525 millions were purchased without inviting open tenders. Simultaneously, Rs 46.071 million were embezzled, as the department did not follow the codal formalities in awarding contract for TB Control Programme, Hyderabad. Thus, the government was deprived of economical rates.
An amount of Rs 19.502 millions was not deposited by different hospitals despite receiving the same from the outdoor patients. However, concerned officials told the meeting that amount could not be deposited in the account of Medical Superintendent as the pay order of the money was made in name of Additional Secretary Development Wing.
The PAC directed the officials to write letters to Health Minister, Chief Minister and Governor so that action could be taken against the officials involved in such practices. On the occasion, Jam Tamachi told media that no one ready to keep check on such huge misappropriation. He said the copies of the audit reports would be forwarded to Governor, Chief Minister and the concerned minister.