Key components missing from FBR quarterly report

31 Mar, 2012

The quarterly review of the Federal Board of Revenue for first half of 2011-12 issued on Friday has failed to include any study, sector analysis or industrial review which remained a key component of the review issued on quarterly basis in the past.
The analysis of the FBR quarterly report issued here on Friday revealed that Azra Mujtaba Member, Strategic Planning and Research & Statistics FBR has not included any research, study or analysis of any sector in the latest review released by the Board. This is a big failure of the FBR to issue a quarterly review without any sector study or analysis of any industry which remained a tradition during the tenure of former FBR Member Strategic Planning and Research & Statistics Mahmood Alam. In the past, quarterly reviews covers different kinds of studies or analysis of leading sectors like textile, etc.
The FBR has completed Taxpayers' Perception Survey with the help of a private company and same kind of tax gap analysis has been conducted by the foreign company. However, no sector analysis, sector-specific study or research is reflected in the FBR quarterly report. This clearly indicated poor quality of FRB quarterly report issued on Friday, expert added.
Without study on any sector or industrial research, the FBR quarterly review seemed to be incomplete. Azra Mujtaba Member, Strategic Planning and Research & Statistics FBR should immediately take notice of the situation and ensure inclusion of some kind of study or analysis of a sector in future, experts stated.

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