Mother & Child Health Week launched in FATA

03 Apr, 2012

The Mother and Child Health Week was launched in FATA, Frontier Regions and New Durrani IDP camp of Kurrum Agency on Monday to create awareness among tribal people about health issues of mother and child during pregnancy and childbirth. The Week to be observed from April 2-7, was formally launched at Lady Health Workers Office.
Director Health Services Fata, Dr Fawad Khan, Programme Specialist UNICEF FATA, Dr Muhammad Rafique and Programme Manager Hepatitis Control Programme and Dr Muhammad Riaz attended the ceremony. The speakers said each year Pakistan witnesses preventable deaths of 432,000 children under five years of age and 20,000 mothers due to pregnancy and childbirth complications. Among the under five deaths, two thirds are in new-born period (first 28 days of life) and the remaining deaths are largely due to pneumonia (13%) and diarrhea (11%).
In Fata, 104 of every 1000 children born do not reach their fifth birthday. Of these, the majority die in the first year of life due to preventable and seasonal diseases like diarrhea and pneumonia. According to the speakers, most of these precious lives could be saved by creating awareness about prevention and promotion of some key measures at home and healthcare centres.
The series of activities during the week includes public awareness activities at village supplemented by immunisation and de-worming for children, tetanus toxoid vaccination for pregnant mothers, refresher training for health workers, and strengthened public health systems to ensure that Oral Rehydration Salts (ORS) and other essential supplies are available and correctly used.

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