Partly Facetious: Rehman Malik is always formally dressed

04 Apr, 2012

"There is something about Rehman Malik that we, as a nation, must like."
"Well, it's not his ties or that matching handkerchief in his coat pocket that is kind of dated fashion, isn't it!"
"Well, you have to appreciate the fact that he is always formally dressed."
"Granted, but he has done nothing to improve the law and order situation, targeted killings in Karachi..."
"See you have to learn to report accurately. Yes, there were several killed in Karachi, and yes one of them was a PPP leader, however none of them was a targeted killing."
"I am sorry?"
"The six or seven who died did so from natural causes..."
"The PPP leader was shot dead - is that a natural cause now?"
"Well, in Pakistan it is, the numbers dying because of sectarian violence or terrorism increasingly defined as religious based violence rooted in fundamentalism and unemployment and..."
"Don't be facetious."
"But for your edification, let me add that Malik did say that some died out of personal animosity."
"How does he define targeted killing."
"Not when you target someone to die..."
"Isn't all murder targeted? I mean unless you are a serial killer and even serial killers target their victims, they stalk them and..."
"Well, you are being philosophical, Malik is not a philosopher, he is merely a devoted servant of his party leader - whether that leader is a Bhutto, a Zardari or a Bhutto Zardari."
"What if party leadership goes out of that family?"
"Be damned, that's sacrilege for Malik. And he will reveal all against you at an appropriate time."

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