Partly Facetious: Our President, Prime Minister have great respect for judiciary?

06 Apr, 2012

"Barack Obama is nothing but a copy cat."
"I am sorry?"
"Obama is a copy cat."
"I have heard many insults hurled at him but never that one. Why do you say that?"
"Well, he has taken on the judiciary and I reckon he was copying our President and Prime Minister."
"Our President and Prime Minister have great respect for the judiciary, just not their verdicts."
"Don't be facetious."
"Anyway, what did Obama say to the judiciary?"
"The Supreme Court may rule by the end of this year to strike down Obama health reform or Obama care as it is referred to by the Republicans."
"And what did Obama say?"
"Something that the PPP leadership including the resurrected Aitzaz Ahsan have said in recent months with respect to the implementation of the NRO decision and the contempt of court against the PM and..."
"What did Obama say?"
"He warned that if the Supreme Court overturned his signature health care overhaul it would amount to overreach by an unelected court."
"Hey, that's really cool! Our leadership is being aped by the most powerful man in the world today?"
"And you said civilised mature democracies respect the separation of powers!"
"Well, anyway US 5th Circuit Court of appeals judge Jerry Smith stated, 'I want to be sure that you are telling us that the Attorney General and the Justice Department do recognise the authority of the federal courts through unelected judges to strike acts of Congress or portions thereof in appropriate case."
"What was the response?"
"An attorney with the Justice Department was surprised and said the Justice Department does recognise the power of the courts and referred to a landmark 1803 case that formed the basis of judicial review, nonetheless Smith ordered her to submit a letter to the appeals court stating the position of US AG and Justice Department on the concept of judicial review."
"I see, but you can't compare that to the letter to Swiss courts."
"And you said the world can only learn what not to do if they look at our leadership with respect to executive-judiciary relations."
"But if the court passes a verdict then it would be implemented in the US."
"Let's wait and see..."

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