Awareness raised to achieve goal of healthy society: World Health Day-2012 observed

08 Apr, 2012

Like other parts of the globe, "World Health Day-2012" was observed here on Saturday with a renewed pledge to raise awareness among people about diseases so that by promoting healthy activities, the goal of healthy society could be achieved.
World Health Day is celebrated in commemoration of foundation of World Health Organisation (WHO) on April 07, 1948. On this day, WHO highlights a forthcoming challenge for the world and all nations to prepare themselves. To mark the Day, seminars, walks, free medical camps and other activities were held in which the need for healthy society was highlighted. While addressing a seminar organised by Health Education Cell of District Health Department Lahore in collaboration with WHO-Punjab, WHO Operations Officer Punjab, Dr Babar Alam said that life expectancy has increased up to 14 years in Pakistan during last 50 years, owing to improved living standards, advancements in medical science, control of vaccine preventable and other communicable diseases.

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