Eleven-member team leaves for Iran

09 Apr, 2012

Senior Advisor to Chief Minister Punjab, Senator Sardar Zulfiqar Ali Khan Khosa left for Iran. The purpose of the visit is to promote bilateral social and economic relations between the Punjab province and Iran so that the investors of Iran could be apprised of the available investment facilities in the Punjab province.
An eleven-member delegation of members of Punjab Assembly, experts of Investment Board, Secretary Livestock and professors of Punjab University accompanying him.
While talking to the media at Allama Iqbal Airport Lahore Sunday Sardar Zulfiqar Khosa informed that presentation regarding opportunities of investment would be given in three big cities of Iran including Mashahad, Sheraz and Tehran. He said that meetings would be held with Governor General of Mashahad Kharasan Razavi, Mayor Mashahad and President Chamber of Commerce and Industry. In Mashahad, the team will visit Meet Industrial Complex and Firdousi University. He said that Iranian investors would be stressed to make investment in various sectors in Punjab, including education, supply of meat, agri-products, rice, citrus, mango and power generation projects.

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