Government urged to exploit treasure buried in Thar: FPCCI

09 Apr, 2012

Government should pay proper attention to exploit treasure buried in Thar to contain energy crisis, cut oil import bill, provide jobs and boost economy, FPCCI said on Sunday.
This project is a must for revenue generation, future progress and national security of the country and is the only option for survival. Lack of co-ordination between provincial and federal governments has been keeping Thar Coal from alleviate sufferings of people and economy, said Tariq Mehmood, Chairman FPCCI Standing Committee on Health and Director Pak-UK Business Council, FPCCI, said a press release.
He said that Pakistan couldn't afford to delay exploitation of one of the world's largest lignite deposits spread over more than 9,000km.
At least 175 billion tonnes of coal matching oil reserves of Saudi Arabia and Qatar can ensure energy security for centuries by providing around 100,000MW of electricity, he said.
Tariq Mehmood, who is also President Attock Chamber of Commerce and Industry, said that Pakistan could provide affordable, reliable and sustainable electricity to consumers and earn huge foreign exchange by exporting power.
Presently, around 30 percent of energy is being imported disturbing budget; the oil import bill will swell to 120-130 billion dollars in eight years when we will require 26,000MW to keep the economy moving, he added.
He said that the situation calls for urgent and decisive action as the business community and economists have never approved unplanned and short-term measures.
Government should not waste the skills of Dr Samar Mubarkmand and funds should be immediately released for Thar coal project otherwise the project may collapse, he warned.-PR

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