FTO helps leading MNC obtain refund from LTU

11 Apr, 2012

A multinational company operating in 140 countries and thinking of pulling out its investment from Pakistan, is now ready to continue its businesses and operations due to timely order of Federal Tax Ombudsman (FTO) Dr Muhammad Shoaib Suddle who helped the company to obtain income tax refund from Large Taxpayer Unit (LTU) Islamabad.
Sources told Business Recorder on Tuesday that the CA firm on behalf of a telecom company has thanked Dr Suddle for taking timely action on the complaint of the company for payment of refunds pending for the last many years. Due to non-payment of huge amount of income tax refunds for the tax years from 2002-09, the company was considering winding up its operations in Pakistan.
In a letter to the FTO Office, the company has clearly said that the complainant, being a multinational organisation operating in almost 140 countries of the world, was almost on the verge of thinking to start divestment in Pakistan because of too many operational hurdles and problems, but only this big justice to them has made them re-think for Pakistan business and they now have made a long-term commitment to be part of Pakistan economy.
The company further said that reference to this august forum's decision in a complaint number 193/ISD/IT (159)/1303/2010 we wish to express our greatest gratitude to the FTO and its Secretariat because majority of the refund claims have now been approved by the relevant officers of Large Taxpayers Unit, Islamabad. Total refunds approved to date amounts to Rs 235,486,847 and net cash issued amounts to Rs 220,628,257.
"It is not only a simple thanks letter from our side but it is expression of our client's and our own emotions, that in this great country (Pakistan) the institutions like Federal Tax Ombudsman Secretariat are still there to provide justice to the people experiencing maladministration problems in the public functionaries resulting in monetary loss of their investments/ interests," the CA firm said.
Here it would not be out of place to mention that the level of transparency in FTO Office, we believe and have experienced, is on the top of any other organisation of the Country. The cumbersome process of going through the whole refund pursuance made us realise that public organisations in just few years can make Pakistan a prosperous and most developed country in the world fraternity, if they start following the role model of your organisation, it said.
This would also be right to mention here, that while criticising the Government and public functionaries by almost every section of media and society, this is also very much necessary that its positively be also focused and institutions like yours be presented as a role model for other public functionaries, CA firm added.

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