International Day of Street children today

12 Apr, 2012

The International Day for Street Children is celebrated every year on April 12 and provides a platform for the millions of street children around the world to share their voices about their rights. The theme for the International Day for Street Children is 'challenging perceptions'.
The International Day for Street Children was launched in 2011 by the Consortium for Street Children (CSC), bringing together its 70 members to raise awareness of street children by being `louder together'. The day is celebrated by street children, NGOs, policy makers, celebrities, corporate and individuals across the globe. Since the first international day in 2011, the United Nations commissioned a report into street children in order to be better able to protect and promote their rights.
Street children are often ignored and stigmatised. They have no support, no family, school, healthcare; they face violence and hunger daily. Unless governments take responsibility and change policy and practice to include street children, for every child helped, another two will be forced onto the street. The International Day for Street Children gives a louder voice to millions of street children all around the world so their rights cannot be ignored.

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