Application filed against Haqqani

12 Apr, 2012

An application was filed in Memogate Commission on Wednesday with a plea to suspend the right of audience and representation to former Pakistani ambassador to USA Hussain Haqqani. According to the applicant, Haqqani is continuously disobeying the Commission's orders.
During the last hearing, the commission, under the chairmanship of Justice Faez Issa, rejected for the second time the plea of Haqqani to record his testimony via a video link from the UK and adjourned the hearing. However, Zahid Bukhari, counsel for Haqqani, apprised the commission that his client was getting cardiac treatment for the last three years and his medical checkup was scheduled on April 04 for MRI and CT scan test.
Mohammad Akram Sheikh, counsel for Mansoor Ijaz, filed the application. According to him, Haqqani neither raised any grievance against the orders of the Commission nor made any application to the Commission for the review of orders. "Haqqani has impeded the course of justice and should have no right of representation and audience until he purges himself of the disobedience of the orders of the Commission," Attorney of Mansoor Ijaz maintained.

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