Indian and Thai media teams visit PU

13 Apr, 2012

Punjab University, Vice Chancellor, Prof Dr Mujahid Kamran, has said that the US rulers who had imposed wars on the mankind must be charged with war crimes.
He was talking to Indian media delegation who visited Punjab University on Thursday. The delegation, headed by Mujahid Ali of Hyderabad Siasat, consisted of Jaynath Jacob of Hindustan Times, Smita Sharma of IBN7, Ashish Kumar of Star News, Kunal Mujamder of Tehelka, Muzamil Jaleel of Indian Express, Sanjay Kapoor of Hard News, Jayanta Ghosal of Anand Bazar Patrika, Pranay Sharma of Outlook, Amiti Sen of Economics Times, Zaheeruddin Ali Khan of The Siasat.
Mujahid Kamran said that US had imposed war on the whole world by attacking Iraq and Afghanistan on the false accusations and killed millions of Muslims in the both countries.
He said that the US wanted to be in Central Asia because it believed that any threat to its hegemony could come only from the Eurasian Continent.
He said that in order to rule the world dictatorship at home was a corner stone of the policy of those who controlled USA and therefore the middle class of America was being systematically destroyed.
Kamran said that it was a part of US strategy to widen and deepen ethnic, sectarian, provincial rivalry to achieve its objectives. He said that US wanted to capture oil and gas resources of the world in other countries so that it could reserve them exclusively for its own use and cripple its adversaries by denying these natural resources. The Indian delegation was of the view that when it came to Pakistan and India, the media of both the countries started to serve the agenda of establishment and began spreading abhorring sentiments against each other.
The delegation later visited Centre for South Asian Studies and Institute of Communication Studies where Chairperson Prof Dr Umbreen Javed and Director Dr Ahsan Akhtar Naz welcomed them respectively.
While a media delegation from leading media houses of Thailand visited Punjab University College of Art and Design. The
delegation consisted of
Dumrong Pootan, President KoosangKassom Corporation Limited, Manoch Puttal, KoosangKassom Corporation Limited, Keeratikon Suebsing, Chauykidehuaytham TV3, Sujitra Somsang, Koosangkoosom Magazine, Monrahtep Guntawong, Koosang koosom Magazine, Krisanaraksana, Koosangkoosom magazine.
They were warmly welcomed by the Principal, Professor Dr Rahat Naveed Masud along with the faculty members of the college. During their visit, they were shown the art work of the students and Painting's Studios, Graphic Design Labs, Library and Gosha-e-Behzad-o-Mani. They were delighted to see the murals of the hands' impression of the faculty and alumni. They expressed their delight over high level of intellectual capability of students and appreciated the education environment in Punjab University.

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