Punjab chief minister's role towards resolving energy crisis lauded

14 Apr, 2012

Khawaja Jalaluddin Roomi, former Punjab Minister for Industries, ex-President of MCCI & APBUMA appreciated the Chief Minister Punjab Shahbaz Sharif's role for advocating Punjab energy case very properly and very wisely. He said that the Chief Minister Punjab has taken a wise decision by hosting second energy conference in the province where the prime minister and all the chief ministers gave their point of view about how the energy shortage could be solved.
He hoped that the energy conference would help enable the government to find out a lasting solution to the prevailing energy crisis across Pakistan in near future as the delay to the energy and gas crisis was hitting the entire trade and industry. He said that there should be a rationale formula for the distribution of the energy in the country. "If there is any shortage in the country, it should be distributed equally amongst the provinces."
Announcing an incentive for the poor consumers, the PM enhanced the subsidy slab for them from 50 units to 100 units in order to provide them some financial cushion to meet the expenses of other items of daily use. He said that Punjab CM took initiative by hosting the second National Energy Conference in Lahore to get rid of eight to 12 hours duration of load shedding and for the revival of industry.
He said that it was major break through that uniform load shedding schedule would be announced for all the four provinces. Roomi welcomed the PM's announcement of uniform load shedding in all provinces saying it was a strong demand of the Punjab traders, industrialists and manufacturers. Commenting on the steps proposed at the conference for saving electricity, Khawaja Roomi said these measures would help in saving the energy.

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