Toyota IMV sales reach five million units

14 Apr, 2012

Toyota Motor Corporation (TMC) has announced that the world-wide cumulative sale of its Innovative International Multi-purpose Vehicle (IMV) series has reached 5 million units at the end of March. The series is manufactured in 11 locations including Pakistan. Four countries designated as global IMV supply bases are Thailand, Indonesia, Argentina and South Africa.
The IMV series consist of five vehicles - three pickup trucks, two series of Hilux which are well known in Pakistan, a minivan, and an SUV- specially developed in 2004 for use in over 140 countries and regions. Based on the concept of producing vehicles where they are sold, TMC has established an optimal world-wide production and supply system to quickly offer attractive vehicles at an affordable price to consumers around the world.
Talking about the milestone, TMC Managing Officer Kazuhiro Kobayashi, who played a central role in the project, said: "The aim of this project is to offer high quality vehicles to consumers in a timely manner. 1 am very pleased that IMV sales have reached 5 million vehicles."
The IMV series has won the favour of many consumers around the world and sales have grown steadily with cumulative sales reaching 1 million vehicles in 2006, 2 million in 2008, 3 million in 2009, 4 million in 2010, and 5 million in March this year. As set forth in the Toyota Global Vision, TMC has positioned emerging markets as a top priority. TMC aims to increase its sales in such markets from the present ratio of 40 percent of world-wide sales to 50 percent by 2015, through the strengthening of its core model of locally-based production. TMC will continue to work with its affiliates for optimal supply systems to provide vehicles that meet the needs of individual markets around the world.-PR

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