Drone Strikes: US statement a slap on nation's face: JI chief

15 Apr, 2012

The latest statement from White House on drone attacks was a slap on the face of the government and parliament that had unanimously adopted a resolution in favour of restoring Nato supplies, said the Ameer of Jamaat-i-Islami, Syed Munawar Hasan, on Saturday.
He was addressing participants of JI's central workshop at Mansoora. By announcing that drone attacks would continue unabated, he said that the US had clearly told Pakistani rulers of their actual worth and reminded them that beggars cannot be the choosers.
He said that the US had not gotten Nato supplies restored for "just pampers and biscuits". He said that the nation would not spare any sacrifice to stop Nato supplies. The JI chief said that the US was out "to wipe out Islam and occupy the resources of Muslim countries and deny them even the right to live". The JI Ameer deplored that the country's armed forces had also forgotten their motto and were carrying on operations in different parts of the country because of which the gulf between the people and the armed forces was widening.

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