Speakers call for ratification of ILO Convention 143

15 Apr, 2012

Speakers here at a seminar called for ratification of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) Convention 143, to not only guarantee indiscriminate treatment to Afghan and migrants workers, but also fulfil the international obligations and improve the national image in world community.
The seminar titled "Sensitising and capacity building media workshop on decent work deficits of workers from Afghan refugees and host communities" was organised with support of ILO. Those who addressed were included ILO Senior Programme Officer Saifullah Chaudhry, representative of Pakistan Workers Federation Zahoor Durrani, central President Employers Federation of Pakistan (ECP) Haji Mohammad Javed and Peshawar Press Club President Saiful Islam Saifi.
They said Pakistan had allowed 150,000 unskilled Afghan refugees to prolong their stay in the country through an agreement with Afghanistan and UNHCR. "Over one million refugees repatriated in 2004. Of them, 80 percent returned to Pakistan due to the law and order situation in their country. The people of Afghanistan continue to be victims of gross violations of human rights and persistent breaches of international humanitarian law."
Addressing the seminar, ILO Senior Programme Officer Saifullah Chaudhry said that 0.7 million Afghans were registered with the government of Pakistan, and highlighted that those Afghan citizens were not treated according to the Pakistani laws; resultantly they were deprived of even their basic rights. He said Pakistan was a signatory of ILO convention relating to the basic human rights.
He was of the view that there was no law or framework in the country which could differentiate between refugees and other foreign nationals residing in Pakistan. "ILO conventions and treaties guarantee foreigner workers and other migrants", he elaborated. He said ratification of the ILO Convention 143 would benefit both Afghan and Pakistani workers.
Addressing the participants, Employers Federation of Pakistan President Haji Mohammad Javed said Afghan citizens in Pakistan were playing key role in fulfilling the labour needs of the country. He opined that in case, Afghan refugees were departed; Pakistan would face an acute shortage of readily available skilled and cheap labour.
He dispelled the impression that Afghan citizens had put bad impact on Pakistan's economy, politics, Society, environment and law and order situation. He said that in fact Pakistan was lucky enough in availing the cheap labour in shape of Afghans. This has also provided an opportunity to present a better image of Pakistan at international level.
"Pakistan should treat equally with skilled and unskilled Afghan citizens as he is the signatory of ILO Conventions", Haji Mohammad Javed revealed. In his brief address, Peshawar Press Club President Saif-ul Islam Saifi said that media had always played the role of bridge between the marginalised groups and government, and stressed for highlighting the problems faced by both local and Afghan workers in Pakistan.
The ILO officials for creation of awareness in this regard was going to organise such kind of programme for the capacity building of employers on 'management and repatriation strategy for Afghan refugees in Pakistan and decent work deficits of workers from Afghan refugees and host communities particularly women and children in Sarhad Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SCCI) on Wednesday April 18, while another such workshop will be organised for the parliamentarians of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Assembly.

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