MoU signed to combat Tuberculosis in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

17 Apr, 2012

A Memoran-dum of Understanding (MoU) was singed among Lady Reading Hospital, Peshawar, Association for Community Development (ACD), Provincial TB Control Programme (PTP) and National TB Control Programme (NTP) on Monday to combat TB in the province.
The MoU signing ceremony was held at the auditorium of LRH. The signatories of the MoU include Professor Arshad Javaid Chief Executive LRH, Dr Ejaz Qadeer Manager National TB Program, Dr Ubaid Hussein, Director TB Programme Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Dr Akmal Naveed Director Association for Community Development (ACD). The project will cater for the populations in and around Peshawar city including FATA and adjoining districts.
The memorandum describes the support, co-operation and services that will be provided by the parties to advance mutual objectives supported by The Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM) grant, to facilitate access to quality TB diagnostic & treatment services for MDR TB Patients including rural populations, females, youth and children and all those who access the hospital for these service. National TB Programme would provide technical assistance for the implementation of MDR-TB project, renovate and upgrade designated MDR OPD and wards to address infection control measures required for DR-TB management.
Provide Quality Assured Second-Line Anti-TB Drugs (SLDs), make arrangements with National TB Reference Laboratory (NRL) at Islamabad for laboratory services for diagnostic culture and sensitivity, follow up TB culture, monthly (during the intensive phase) and bi-monthly (during continuation phase) of treatment, strengthen and up-gradate the microbiology lab at BSL-II for TB culture and provide GenXpert for rapid testing of suspected patients and arrange for their DST.
The government of Pakistan in response to increasing TB incidence has declared TB as national emergency in 2001. The government confirmed its strong commitment to TB control in the Medium Term Development Framework (MTDF) 2005-2010 for achieving the country's Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The National Strategic Plan articulates a clear 'roadmap' for achieving and sustaining the Global Stop TB targets of 70% case detection and 85% treatment success rates, through 100% DOTS coverage.

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