JI demands referendum on Nato supplies issue

17 Apr, 2012

Secretary General Jamaat-e-Islami, Liaqat Baloch has demanded referendum on Nato supplies issue, saying that the parliament had become controversial since it announced to open Nato routes. Addressing JI workers on Monday, he said that the entire nation was against restoration of Nato supplies as it was not ready to accept US slavery or to be a party in the Nato aggression against the Afghan people anymore.
The parliament through its resolution, had given a fresh offer for slavery, which means the threats of US President Obama and Hilary Clinton had worked and even the opposition parties in the parliament had been cooled down to serve the US agenda. Baloch said that the US and Nato armies had been defeated in Afghanistan and the Afghan freedom fighters were making decisive attacks over Nato forces and their installations. This was the time when Pakistan could be freed from the US slavery and the parliament librated from Zardari's hold, he added. He said that the US and its agents were trying to cow down the people on the Nato supplies issue. However, he said, the people's drive against this issue would continue peacefully.

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