Partly Facetious: Musharraf would return to country and face the music?

17 Apr, 2012

"So what's the latest?"
"The mayhem in Balochistan with the Hazara community being murdered mercilessly on ethnic and sectarian grounds legitimately protesting on the streets of Quetta and the Baloch separatists also legitimately protesting against targeted killings and routine disappearances..."
"Musharraf says as long as the army is there Baloch separatists will not to succeed and urged the government to stop appeasing militants and..." "This is the same guy who said he would return to the country and face the music? And how many times has he promised that and reneged? And before you say anything in his defence, he is the same guy who strutted on the podium delivering a speech to those who were bussed to his jalsa while on his orders Karachi was burning."
"OK, but Balochistan continues to be restive on the one hand and then there are the Karachi targeted killings, then there is Lyari and it is well-known that political parties are involved in bhatta khori and murders in our financial capital and..."
"And then there are protests against continued loadshedding both in PML (N) strongholds, as well as in other parts of the country - more than 12 hours of loadshedding is simply not acceptable fourth year running."
"I agree, whether you are a jiyala or a nawala or even a zardi it's not acceptable."
"Then there is rising price levels that are simply breaking the backbone of the common man..."
"Except the bureaucrats whose salary is raised from our tax money..."
"But the government does increase the minimum wage but its impact is negated due to non-implementation. Besides, look at all the negatives: lower output due to loadshedding, high support prices of farm output, ever-rising petrol prices that incidentally also account for rising government revenue, based on the fact that tax collections on oil products are on percentage terms so if the price rises so does tax collections."
"Your Punjab is no better which is why the President has come out in support of a Seraiki province and has asked the area's rich to give him a proposal for setting up a Seraiki bank within one week and..."
"And that is what I don't understand. Demand for a Seraiki province must first get approval from Punjab Assembly, not likely, and then it can be taken to the next level. Why not focus on existing issues and resolve them and I for one will then proactively campaign for the party."
"But that won't anger the PML (N) as much as demand for a Seraiki province."
"So what are these politicians? Teenagers? Doing what irritates the parents or in this case the Sharif brothers the most?"

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