'Heart and its Care' launched

17 Apr, 2012

Physicians and cardiologists have stressed the need for regular exercise and use of vegetables and fruits for keeping the heart healthy. They were speaking at the launching of a book titled "Heart & its care" by Professor Dr Muhammad Ishaq held the other day.
Prominent physicians, surgeons, heads of various medical colleges, cardiologists and a large number of people from different walks of life attended the book launching ceremony. Administrator KMC Muhammad Hussain Syed, who was the chief guest on the occasion, said the people were suffering from various cardiac and psychological disorders due to their lifestyle.
He said the number of cardiac patients in Pakistan had reached an alarming level. The desire to get rich overnight has changed our lifestyle and this causes diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes and mental and cardiac diseases. "We will have to change our thinking and this could be achieved by promoting education among the masses," he said. Syed said the KMC was running a total of 293 small and big health care institutions in the city and a sum about 500 to 600 million per month were incurred on this.
Top among the list of these institutions were Karachi Institute of Heart Diseases and Cardiac Care centers in Landhi and Shah Faisal Colony while Abbasi Shaheed Hospital, Sarfaraz Rafique Shaheed Hospital, Sobhraj Maternity Home, Lyari General Hospital, Gazdarabad Maternity Home and other KMC run hospitals were providing free of cost health care and medical treatment facilities to patients.
He said citizens should read this book which discusses ways to protect their heart. He on behalf of KMC announced to bear all the money spent on the Urdu translation and publication of this book. Head of Dow University of Health Science Professor Doctor Masood Hameed Khan said the implementation of health care system was a must in the country as one could only stay healthy by taking care of health. Citizens need to keep themselves aware about the heart disease and how to prevent them. Professor Dr Waqar H. Kazmi, Drama Writer Fatima Suryya Bajia, Zubaiba Tariq, Professor Dr Muhammad Ishaq, Actor Shakeel, Dr Waqar Azeemi and many others spoke on the occasion. In the end, Dr Ishaq presented his book to the chief guest.

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