Foreign delegation calls on Hina

18 Apr, 2012

Steve Baker, Member of British Parliament and Councillor Mahboob Husain Bhatti along with a delegation of the Kashmir European Forum, called on Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar here on Tuesday. The Foreign Minister appreciated the role Baker had played in initiating the debate on Kashmir in the House of Commons.
She stated that Kashmir remained the core issue between India and Pakistan hampering prosperity and development in the region. She said that the democratically elected Government of Pakistan had made substantive and consistent efforts for a meaningful engagement with India. The Foreign Minister said that Pakistan was committed to a just and peaceful resolution of the Kashmir dispute, which needed to be resolved in accordance with the UN resolutions and aspirations of the Kashmiri people. The CBMs on Kashmir agreed upon between the two countries had paid dividends and have helped build an atmosphere of mutual trust.
The Foreign Minster added that Pakistan had continued to draw the attention of the international community to the Human Rights violations in Indian occupied Kashmir (IoK) and had also persistently called for the revocation of the draconian laws applied in IoK. Steve Baker assured the Foreign Minister that both he and the Kashmir European Forum would continue to support the just cause of the Kashmiri people.-PR

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