Government's writ established in 91 percent of tribal region, says corps commander

18 Apr, 2012

The government's writ has been established in Federally Administrative Tribal Areas (Fata) and peace has been restored in 91 percent of the tribal region, Corps Commander Peshawar Lieutenant-General Khalid Rabbani said on Tuesday. The corps commander said that a comprehensive development plan had been designed for brining prosperity and socio-economic uplift in Fata.
He was addressing at a seminar titled 'War on Terror and Role of Pakistan Army' held under the auspices of the University of Peshawar's Department of Political Science. He said that peace had been restored after successful military operations in North Waziristan and elsewhere in the tribal region, adding that communication and road system had also been developed in most parts of Fata.
Lieutenant General Rabbani said that more than 300 and 760 small-scale operations had been carried out against militants over the past several years. He told the audience that as many as 3,300 soldiers had been killed in different military operations in war against terrorism, and more than 10,000 severely injured.
"We salute to bravery warriors, who gave their lives for peace in the motherland," he lauded. "We are ready to render more sacrifices to triumph against non-state actors," he vowed. He said that efforts were being made to restore complete peace in the tribal region. Referring to education reforms in Fata, he said that Pakistan Army had initiated more than 52 educational promotion projects.
He said that such major schemes in Fata included a Cadet College in the South Waziristan Agency, Khyber Institute of Technical Education and Waziristan Institute of Technical education, for improving skills and the quality education. Expressing optimism about overcoming difficulties, he said that it was quite difficult to become victorious in any kind of war without popular support.
Highlighting the need for political will for the success of military operations, he said that such operations had been successful against militants in lawless tribal areas. He said that government was taking steps for mainstreaming Fata and bringing sustainable socio-economic development. When asked about withdrawal of troops from tribal region, he said that military's presence would continue until the achievement of complete peace in Fata.
Dispelling the impression that more than 80 percent of the fiscal budget was being diverted to defence budget, he said that only 17 percent of the budget was being allocated for navy and air force, and Pakistan Army's share was just 8.7 percent.
Earlier, Chairman of the Department of Political Science Professor Dr AZ Halali explained the aims and objective of the seminar. Registrar of the University of Peshawar Dr Syed Fazli Hadi, Dean Faculty of Social Sciences Professor Dr Naeemur Rehman, Dean Faculty of Arts and Humanities Professor Dr Farooq Swati and a number of students were also present.

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