Partly Facetious: 'Raja Rental's' return calculated move?

18 Apr, 2012

"Raja Pervaiz Asharf is back in the news."
"Indeed, and many analysts argue that his return to the cabinet was a calculated move."
"Ah, I see. Like eat your heart out Supreme Court! But that would be childish!"
"And tell me one action or statement made by our politicians not premised on childish behaviour!"
"I thought Bilawal Bhutto Zardari's statements on the death anniversary of his grandfather were not childish."
"First, they were not statements, they were guidance to a very compliant and therefore valued Prime Minister and secondly, the guidance was in all probability finalised after appropriate consultations with the PPP's legal team."
"The new team or the old one?"
"The old one is kinda in the wilderness..."
"Just like the new team was for over three years?"
"Just like that, so what do you reckon: old wine in new bottles or new wine in old bottles?"
"Don't be facetious, wine is haram for us in any case. But going back to Raja Rental, as he was lovingly dubbed by his cabinet colleague, less than one week after he was given a federal ministry he watched as his security abused a senior bureaucrat for not giving way immediately to the Minister's entourage!"
"Hey, one question: where was he headed? I mean the guy has no ministry so where did he have to go in a hurry."
"Don't be facetious. He is entitled to protocol and so..."
"So the additional 14 ministers/ministers of state would mean that we the people would have even less security personnel deployed for our security?"
"Hey, protocol is protocol."
"I was told one security car per federal minister is all that is allowed as per the rules."
"You know you are just anti-Seraiki province and you are saying all this to undermine democracy and..."
"I give up."

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