Government taking steps to overcome energy crisis by June: MCCI

18 Apr, 2012

President of Multan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MCCI) Mian Anis A Sheikh told newsmen on Tuesday that President Asif Zardari was optimistic about to over come the energy crisis by the end of June 2012, as government was taking long-term, mid-term and short-term measures to meet the demand of the consumers of energy.
He said that MCCI delegation met with President Zardari and discussed the energy situation in country, the delegation was comprised on Mian Tanvir A Sheikh former president of FPCCI, Khawaja Muhammad Jalaluddin Roomi, former Punjab minister for industries, Mian Rehman Naseem Chairman of Mepco board of directors, Fawad A Sheikh and Shahid Naseem Khokhar former president of MCCI.
The delegation suggested that government should adopt the affordable measures for the generation of cheaper electricity. Besides exploring more gas reserves. Upon the demand of reduction in mark-up and spread rates on bank loans, the president asked the ministry of finance to review this demand.
According to Mian Anis that President Zardari assured that demand of the business community and industrialists would be considered sympathetically. He said that every possible step was being taken to end the crisis of energy in the country to run the industry.
President said that commercial banks have been asked to advance maximum loans for the modernisation of the industry to compete the rest of the world and increasing the exports. President Zardari said that the banks in the past have been manipulated for political ends and the government aimed at ensuring a banking financial system that could not be manipulated against political opponents.
President said that war on terror and natural calamities had adversely impacted our economy. He said that he has been actively pleading with the international community country's case for having more trade opportunities. The President said that the government was aware that power shortage was among the major issues faced by the business community and industrialists.
He said that government was making all efforts to overcome the power crisis by exploring all possible avenues. The President reiterated his call to the business community to assist the government in rationalising and broadening the tax net so as to provide relief to the small businessmen and traders and, simultaneously, to strengthen the economy.
The business community not only needs to assist the government in policy formulation process but should also own the economic policies for ensuring their continuity, he said. He said that South Punjab has a great potential for the export of fruits and the government was making all efforts to facilitate the growers and exporter of fruits especially of mangoes. He said the government has also planned to establish Mango Pack House and Cold Storage common facility centres at Multan.

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