Kashmir is the lifeline of Pakistan: Shahbaz

18 Apr, 2012

Punjab Chief Minister Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif has said that Kashmir is the lifeline of Pakistan, which has been kept separated from it by force. He said that Kashmiris have rendered innumerable sacrifices for freedom and Kashmir Valley has been reddened with the blood of innocent people.
He said that millions of Kashmiris have sacrificed their lives but the UN resolutions for resolving this dispute have not been implemented and Kashmiris are still deprived of their basic right of self-determination. He said that a lasting and durable peace cannot be achieved in the subcontinent without solution of Kashmir problem and resolution of this core issue is the top priority of Pakistan.
He said that during inaugural ceremony of integrated check post at Attari recently he had made it clear to Indian government that the region might face disastrous consequences if Kashmir and water issues were not settled in a just manner. He said that no progress can be made without solving the basic issues between the two countries with sincerity and commitment.
He said, "we support commerce and trade between the two neighbouring countries however, it depends upon us how we live together'. He said that progress and prosperity can only be achieved in the region if India and Pakistan live peacefully otherwise commerce and trade will not help in the solution of problems. He said that besides measures for progress and development, solution of Kashmir issue is the main responsibility.
He expressed these views while addressing a joint press conference with Chairman Kashmir Committee Maulana Fazal-ur Rehman at Chief Minister's Secretariat on Tuesday. Members of the Kashmir Committee were also present on the occasion. Shahbaz Sharif said that Pakistan has always extended diplomatic and moral support to Kashmiris and not hesitated from any sacrifice for the solution of Kashmir problem but this issue is still pending.
He said that while negotiating with India we will have to set our own house in order so that national objectives could be achieved by adopting a strong and firm stance. Chairman Kashmir Committee, Maulana Fazal-ur-Rehman while talking to media said that after federal capital, the first meeting of Kashmir Committee was held in Lahore. He said that Kashmir Committee will also hold its meetings in other provinces so that participation of all federating units could be ensured in the solution of Kashmir problem.
He said there is a complete consensus that only a strong and stable Pakistan can help Kashmiri people and any internal unrest and economic instability can cause disappointment to Kashmiris. He said that Pakistan has been entangled on its western frontiers during the last one decade due to which Kashmir issue which was pivot of Pakistan's foreign policy, has gone into the background.
He said that we fully support the right of self-determination of Kashmiris and want that a lasting solution to this problem could be found in the light of UN resolutions. He said that according to the UN Charter, the struggle of Kashmiris is justified and cannot be termed as terrorism.
He said that India wants to suppress struggle of Kashmiris by force and is committing atrocities against them on the basis of its draconian laws. Chairman Kashmir Committee made an appeal to the world community to take notice of Indian atrocities and barbarities against innocent Kashmiris and exert pressure on India to withdraw its forces from occupied Kashmir.
He said that all draconian Indian laws should also be abolished so that Kashmiris could feel relief. He said that India is blocking Pakistan share of water through illegal construction of dams on rivers, which might cause an agricultural and industrial crisis in Pakistan in future. He said that we support dialogue for resolving disputes between India and Pakistan, however, the issue of water should not be ignored in these negotiations.
Similarly, Kashmiri leadership should also be taken into confidence regarding this process. He said that all our efforts should be directed towards solution of Kashmir issue. He said that JUI supported Indian Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee's visit to Lahore at the invitation of former prime minister Nawaz Sharif as it believed that the process of dialogue between the two countries should continue.
He said Kashmiri youths by rendering greater sacrifices than the preceding generations have proved that the struggle for freedom of Kashmir will continue. Earlier, a meeting of Kashmir Committee was held at Chief Minister's Secretariat, under the Chairmanship of Maulana Fazal-ur Rehman.
Punjab Chief Minister Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif while addressing the meeting said that Kashmiris have rewritten history through their supreme sacrifices in the struggle for freedom. He said that atrocities and oppressions committed in Kashmir and Palestine are unparalleled in human history. He said that silence of world community over Kashmir issue is a big challenge.
He said that the strategy of West Germany will have to be adopted for resolving Kashmir issue, which through its economic progress and judicious policies pulled down Berlin Wall and brought about the merger of its eastern portion without fighting a war. He said that this successful model should be adopted for moving ahead. He said that Kashmir is a core issue, which should be included in the textbooks for promoting awareness in the young generation about this problem.
The Chief Minister lamented the fact that at a time when officers and Jawans of Pak Army are buried under avalanche in Siachen, some elements are engaged in a futile debate over maintaining military presence in Siachen.
He said these elements should keep in mind the fact that before 1984, Pakistan used to grant permission for tourist activities in Siachen. He said that Pak Army is present at Siachen in the defence of the country and have always safeguarded geographical frontiers of the motherland by risking its lives.
Maulana Fazal-ur Rehman while addressing the meeting said that Pakistan has a principled and just stance over Kashmir issue, which is recognised by the whole world including UNO. He said that Pakistan is an agrarian country but India is diverting its share of water by constructing dams on rivers.
He said that if Pakistan remained at the mercy of India it will continue to blackmail it on its own terms. He said that Pakistan should safeguard its future and national interests should be protected through effective measures. Various members of Kashmir Committee also spoke on the occasion and besides stressing the need for a just solution to Kashmir problem also emphasised that water and Kashmir issues should be kept at the top of the agenda in talks with India.
They further said that stopping of Pakistan's share of water is a blatant water-terrorism. Dr Attiya Inayatullah said that Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif has always furthered Kashmir cause, which is highly commendable. A joint declaration was issued at the conclusion of the meeting in which it was reiterated that Pakistan will continue to support the just cause of Kashmiris of self-determination. While paying tributes to the heroic struggle of Kashmiris, the oppressive laws in the Occupied Kashmir were condemned and it was stressed upon the world community to take immediate notice of barbarities in Kashmir.
Supporting the process of dialogue between India and Pakistan, it was demanded that this process should not leave a negative impact on Pakistan's economy while Kashmiris should also be taken into confidence. A demand was also made to the Pakistan government not to ignore the water issue in the process of solution of Kashmir problem.

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