Pentagon sees progress, challenges in cyber warfare

18 Apr, 2012

The Pentagon says it is making progress in developing weapons for its newest battleground - cyberspace - but still faces funding, technology and policy challenges. US Air Force Lieutenant General Michael Basla, vice commander of Air Force Space Command, told industry officials on Monday the service was approaching its work on cyber capability as it would any other major weapons system.
"We have made measurable progress in defensive and offensive capabilities" in the past year, Basla said at a space conference. He talked about teams of cyber "hunters" and listed several new programs - all part of the Pentagon's new drive to be more transparent about its work on cyber warfare and push back against daily attacks on its computer systems.
A watershed US intelligence report in November said China and Russia are using cyber espionage to steal US trade and technology secrets. Last week, the head of intelligence at US Cyber Command described what he called an accelerating "global cyber arms race."
Basla said Washington was keeping a close eye on cyber skills being developed by Russia and China, and the US government has made it clear that it reserved the right to protect itself from cyber attacks, just like other attacks.
He said those countries had clearly penetrated US networks. Basla said escalating threats meant the cyber area was one of few that might see a slight increase in funding in coming years even as projected US military spending is due to decline by $487 billion over the next 10 years.
But he said military leaders would have trouble meeting all their cyber mission priorities if US lawmakers don't avert an extra $500 billion in defence spending cuts, or sequestration. "The Air Force or the department may have to make some hard choices about giving up resources in other areas," if spending is cut further, Basla told reporters. The Air Force's primary mission - to safeguard the country's nuclear weapons - would be protected from the cuts, he said.

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