UN wives urge Syrian first lady 'Stop your husband'

18 Apr, 2012

The wives of UN ambassadors from Britain and Germany targeted Syria's first lady on Tuesday with an online appeal to "stop your husband" in his yearlong bid to quash a popular uprising that has left thousands dead. The video contrasts the lavish lifestyle of 36-year-old Asma al-Assad, wife of President Bashar al-Assad and mother of three, with the images of dead and injured Syrian children.
"Stand up for peace, Asma. Speak out now. For the sake of your people. Stop your husband," asks the video. "Stop being a bystander. No one cares about your image. We care about your action." It was produced by Sheila Lyall Grant, the wife of Britain's UN envoy, and Huberta von Voss-Wittig, the wife of Germany's UN ambassador. Britain and Germany are both members of the UN Security Council. "We strongly believe in Asma's responsibility as a woman, as a wife and as a mother. As the vocal female Arab leader that she used to be, as a champion of female equality, she can not hide behind her husband," Lyall Grant and Wittig said in a statement.

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