Swiss government freezes more Iranian assets

19 Apr, 2012

The Swiss government has extended its financial sanctions against Iran by freezing the assets of 11 more companies and people but decided not to take any action against Tehran's central bank, officials said Wednesday.
The action against an additional eight companies and three individuals was carried out Tuesday and "brings Switzerland largely in line with the restrictive measures" the European Union adopted in January, the Swiss Cabinet said. The move aims to pressure Iran to comply with UN demands over its controversial nuclear program.
But an exception to the EU's measures "was made for the Iranian Central Bank, upon which sanctions have not be imposed, due to its importance for the Iranian economy," the Swiss government said.
It did not identify the targeted companies and individuals. Iran's denials of military intent for its uranium enrichment have failed to convince EU and US officials. The Swiss have previously frozen Iranian accounts in Switzerland because of UN Security Council sanctions imposed on Iran over its nuclear program.

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