'Chinese companies showing interest to invest in Pakistan'

20 Apr, 2012

Jiangsu University Vice-President Zhou Ruguang said that Chinese companies were showing interest to invest in Pakistan. He said that the basic purpose of Pak-China business forum was to promote trade relations with Pakistan which had been very successful in the past.
He was speaking to a seminar on "Pak-China Relations: Trade & Economic Co-operation" organised by Pakistan Study Centre on Thursday. Vice-Chancellor Punjab University Dr Mujahid Kamran, Jiangsu University Pakistan Study Centre Director Sun Hongqi, Advisor to the centre and People's Daily' Wangnan, PU's Registrar Professor Dr Khan Raas Masood, Director External Linkages Maria I Maldonado, Dean Faculty of Arts Professor Dr Qalb-e-Abid, Chairperson Professor Dr Musarrat Abid also spoke on the occasion.
Punjab University Vice Chancellor Professor Dr Mujahid Kamran has said that in an increasingly dangerous world, China has been the major factor of stability. The VC said that the threat to global peace and the very survival of human species came from the eruption of US militarism after 9/11. He said that the people of United States were peace loving and wonderful but a cabal of international bankers controlled US government, media and congress.
He said the cabal had brought US forces to Central Asia and Africa under the pretext of terrorism, which they themselves have created, promoted and fanned. He said that China was our time-tested and all-weather friend with deep bonds of love and mutual respect.
He said that we should learn from China who wanted to become super power of knowledge. He said our main problem was that people did not know each other so we should learn Chinese language to remove language barrier.
He said that PU had set up Institute of Languages headed by Maria Maldonado for that purpose. Jiangsu University Pakistan Study Centre Director Sun Hongqi said that the centre, since its inception in last year, had been uniting the region and promoting relations with Pakistan.
He said that we were not only focusing on Pakistan's traditional politics but also working on improving trade ties between the two countries. He said that the trade with Pakistan had significantly increased in the last years. He said that we invited journalists, Pakistani ambassadors and research to the centre for the purpose.
He said that the centre was also contributing to enhance relations at academic level. Advisor to the centre and People's Daily' Wangnan said that India was quite larger than Pakistan in terms of population and area but China had special relations with Pakistan.
He said that our fundamental problem was that even intelligentsia of the both countries did not know each other's cities, culture etc and had not visited each other's countries. He said that we should focus on improving this situation. In her inaugural address, Professor Dr Mussarat Abid thanked the delegates and threw light on Pak-China relations and projects carried out with the help of brotherly country.

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