Over 700 scholars receive degrees at Nust Convocation

21 Apr, 2012

Over 700 scholars received degrees in the disciplines of engineering, medical sciences, management sciences, information technology, physics and mathematics during the seventh Postgraduate Convocation of National University of Sciences and Technology (Nust) held here on Thursday.
A total of 686 MS and MPhil scholars were conferred degrees in their respective fields while 20 were awarded PhD degrees. Furthermore, 58 scholars were awarded gold medals for their distinctive performances in their respective areas of study. Nust organises its postgraduate convocation biennially. The ceremony was attended by a large number of civil and military officials, and parents and families of the degree recipients.
It is pertinent to mention here that Nust acknowledges the meritorious contributions of its esteemed faculty towards academic and research pursuits by conferring Best Teacher and Best Researcher awards.
Professor Dr Khalid Parvez (RCMS) and Professor Dr Athar Masood Ahmad (NBS) were awarded Best Teacher awards for the years 2010 and 2011 respectively. Similarly, Associate Professor Dr Rafiq Muhammad Chaudhry (NIT-SCEE) and Associate Professor Dr Hafiz Farooq Ahmed (SEECS) were awarded Best Researcher awards for the year 2010 and 2011 respectively. HEC Chairman Dr Javaid Laghari graced the occasion as the chief guest. After awarding degrees and medals to the successful scholars, the chief guest delivered a motivational speech to the august audience.
He extended his warmest felicitations to the degree holders, their proud parents and the esteemed faculty. He also appreciated the management and visionary leadership of the university in providing quality higher education in Pakistan. Counting the achievements of Nust made in a short span of time, the chief guest termed the University a national asset dispensing its duties with a team of committed professionals. He eulogised Nust for instituting a system geared up for the provision of a congenial environment for the holistic development of the students.-PR

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