JI criticises government, PML-N

21 Apr, 2012

Jamaat-e-Islami, Ameer, Syed Munawar Hasan, has said that defeat of USA in Afghanistan is writing on the wall and President Zardari and Prime Minister Gilani can not change the defeat of US into victory. While addressing the Friday congregation at Mansoora mosque, he said that the rulers were planning to restore Nato supplies in exchange for dollars.
Criticising Nawaz Sharifs suggestion of unilateral withdrawal from Siachin, Munawar said that politicians giving such type of suggestions have soft corner with India and they have a desire of demolition of borders between Pakistan and India. He said the whole world knew it was India which moved its troops to Siachen in 1984 and this compelled Pakistan to follow suit.
While continuing his criticism on the rulers Munawar said that not only Zardari and Gilani were corrupt, but their children had also followed the same path. The government, which was steeped in corruption, was the main hurdle in the establishment of a peaceful and just society. He said the ordinary thieves and dacoits were no match to Zardari and Gilani as there was no bigger thief and dacoit than the two all over the world.
Munawar Hasan said that actually a war was going on between Islam and secularism in which the rulers were siding with secularism. Munawar said, the recent Taliban attacks in Afghanistan had weakened the position of the US. It was interesting, he said, that while the Taliban were accepting the responsibility of these attacks, Washington was blaming the Haqaani net work for that. He was of the view that Nato supplies through land rout should not be allowed otherwise thousands of people were on the roads to block the supply of Nato.

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